Obeid and his sons in Bedouin Life Camp

Our story has started back in 2001, when Obeid, after his retirement from the police decided to make his own private tours to the desert. Soon after he found the perfect location for a bedouin camp in a hidden, scenic spot of the Wadi Rum Protected Area, and set up the old family tent of his grandfather in which he had grown up. Through the years the camp grew a bit in size and comfort, but maintained its authentic and traditional Bedouin features.

With its growing reputation, its name also became popular (some camps even borrowed it). Obeid’s sons Nail, Salem and Mohammed also grew in the meantime, and they have started to help their father, continuing the tradition of Bedouin hospitality.

Our bedouin camp is in the heart of the desert within the boundaries of the Wadi Rum Protected Area, close to the Seven Pillars of Wisdom. It lies in the protection of a great sandstone rock, offering a breathtaking view of the desert landscape. As it is a small, family run camp, it’s ideal for small groups and for those wanting to avoid the tourist crowd, and offers an excellent opportunity to experience of the real desert world.